Aidur Stormspine

Owned by addr..7jlel


Policy ID 075bc..e4a81

GGMC is the first NFT project to expose the masses to diversified cryptocurrency mining in a fun, gamified way. We have a vision to make mining as easy to access and decentralized as possible. This is just the foundation of the project, learn more by reading our Minepaper!

₳ 815

Highest Price₳ 814

Lowest Price₳ 814

Floor Price₳ 219

Recent Trades

~₳ 816

~₳ 815

~₳ 674

~₳ 815

~₳ 399

~₳ 694

~₳ 511

~₳ 694

~₳ 511

~₳ 796

Top Trades

~₳ 816

~₳ 815

~₳ 705

~₳ 796

~₳ 674

~₳ 815

~₳ 511

~₳ 796

~₳ 511

~₳ 694