
Owned by addr..hkh37

No royalty

Policy ID 9fa8b..7db5e

Poki is the first comprehensive Mobile Cardano Portfolio App for iOS, Android and in the Browser. The Poki Lifetime Pass is a limited supply utility token that allows you to unlock the wallet limit on your Portfolio and gives you exclusive access to other premium in-app features in the future.

₳ 125

Highest Price₳ 423

Lowest Price₳ 64

Floor Price₳ 94

Recent Trades

~₳ 75

~₳ 125

~₳ 75

~₳ 125

~₳ 75

~₳ 200

~₳ 75

~₳ 200

~₳ 66

~₳ 74

Top Trades

~₳ 430

~₳ 423

~₳ 425

~₳ 423

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~₳ 255

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~₳ 65

~₳ 425

~₳ 65