Stable #5772

Owned by addr..g4qrx

No royalty

Policy ID f67d2..80208

Our stables are available in three sizes: small, medium & large, each indicating the staking capacity for your personal legacy horses. Your stable will also have an equal amount of capacity for Bred horses. Stake your horses in their respective regions to maximize rewards.

₳ 99

Highest Price₳ 98

Lowest Price₳ 98

Floor Price₳ 33

Recent Trades

~₳ 100

~₳ 80

~₳ 100

~₳ 80

~₳ 100

~₳ 75

~₳ 100

~₳ 75

~₳ 100

~₳ 99

Top Trades

~₳ 134

~₳ 255

~₳ 103

~₳ 255

~₳ 111

~₳ 223

~₳ 103

~₳ 223

~₳ 111

~₳ 132