CTV Chamber Key - Director

Owned by addr..2wdky


Policy ID fb57a..bef90

The CTV Chamber Key is held by Cardano Token Vault Chamber BoardMembers, Directors and Chair who are responsible for craftingproposals that are voted on by $CTV holders to shape the future of CTV

₳ 2.04k

Highest Price₳ 2.04k

Lowest Price₳ 2.04k

Floor Price₳ 259

Recent Trades

~₳ 2.04k

~₳ 2.04k

~₳ 794

~₳ 2.04k

~₳ 794

~₳ 5.67k

~₳ 1.53k

~₳ 5.67k

~₳ 1.53k

~₳ 9.07k

Top Trades

~₳ 3.57k

~₳ 9.07k

~₳ 3.57k

~₳ 8.16k

~₳ 1.91k

~₳ 9.07k

~₳ 2.75k

~₳ 8.16k

~₳ 1.53k

~₳ 9.07k